%0 Journal Article %T Arquitectura de almacenamiento masivo de datos en la infraestructura Grid usando el middlewareglite %A G¨®mez Pedraza %A Iv¨¢n Fernando %A Varela Garz¨®n %A Carlos Alberto %A Arguello Fuentes %A Henry %A Escobar Ram¨ªrez %A Juan Carlos %J Tecnura %D 2012 %I Distrital Francisco Jose de Caldas University %X nowadays, the increase in research projects at universities requires high-computing and mass-storage equipment, creating the need for having a supercomputing infrastructure. this work attempts to find a solution to the storage problems that arise in the different research groups at universities. massive-storage infrastructures, which use a file system compatible with egee middleware, are implemented, taking advantage of the storage space left by working nodes. this should offer a very low-price solution. additionally, a cluster with fundamental grid services is created and thus integrated to the intercontinental infrastructure of eela-2, establishing a platform for distributed computing and storage intended for the scientific community at universidad industrial de santander. %K data bank %K grid computing %K storage devices %K hpc %K igalc. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-921X2012000400003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en