%0 Journal Article %T Novos usos de drogas: um estudo qualitativo a partir das traject¨®rias de vida %A Trigueiros %A Liliana %A Carvalho %A Maria Carmo %J Toxicodepend¨ºncias %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this study aims to contribute to the characterization of young users of psychoactive substances (ps) in a context of a great transformation in the phenomenon of drug use, both in our country and internationally. we present data from an exploratory research that aims to contribute to the characterization of young consumers, pointing out some regularities in their life trajectories, using a biographical approach with in-depth interviews with a sample of 22 young people, gathered with a chain sampling (snowball). two groups were distinguished by their distance vs. proximity to problematic drug use patterns, designated here by former problematic trajectories in older consumers and non-problematic in new customers. the results also demonstrated that these kids have a good family structure and are integrated in their community. we highlight the lack of linearity in the relationship between the presence of transgressor behavior and consumption of ps as well as a strong association of the latter to recreational and peer group. %K new uses of drugs %K life trajectories %K young consumers of sp£¿s. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0874-48902010000300004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en