%0 Journal Article %T Identidades sociais, letramento visual e letramento cr¨ªtico: imagens na m¨ªdia acerca de ra£¿a/etnia %A Ferreira %A Aparecida de Jesus %J Trabalhos em Lingu¨ªstica Aplicada %D 2012 %I UNICAMP %R 10.1590/S0103-18132012000100010 %X this article aims to analyse the representation of social identities of race and ethnicity that underlie the image published in 2005 in the newspaper folha de s£¿opaulo. to put the issue of social identity of race and ethnicity in brazil in context, i reflect on the question of identity and classification of colour/race/ethnicity. in this article, i propose a learning activity using the references of visual literacy and critical literacy (bamford, 2009; browett, 2009; lankshear, 2002). i conclude that images published in the media are tools that we can use as a form of critical literacy and thereby contribute to a reading that enables the formation of critical citizens. %K critical literacy %K social identities %K critical literacy %K visual literacy %K media %K race [ethnicity]. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-18132012000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en