%0 Journal Article %T O Twitter de Ren¨º Silva e a ocupa£¿£¿o da tecnologia: o morro (do Alem£¿o) tem vez %A Maia %A Junot de Oliveira %J Trabalhos em Lingu¨ªstica Aplicada %D 2012 %I UNICAMP %R 10.1590/S0103-18132012000100014 %X in late 2010, during the military occupation of the adeus' slum in rio de janeiro, ren¨º silva, 17, stood out by using the microblog twitter to transmit real-time information about the events that marked the invasion. silva, who made his posts from the slum itself, is an example of a subject belonging to the peripheral group and who, despite the socio-economic barriers imposed, appropriated the ict through strategies and tactics that in action destabilized the hegemonic order (de certeau, 1980/2008), here mainly represented by the mass media. thus, this work highlights how silva, through his plural and hybrid literacies, appropriated new technologies and thereby became a privileged reporter of the conflicts that occurred in the alem£¿o's complex of slums. %K tic appropriation %K peripheral groups %K ren¨º silva. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0103-18132012000100014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en