%0 Journal Article %T Instrucci¨®n c¨ªvica y liberal del presbiterianismo en el distrito de Zit¨¢cuaro, 1894 - 1902 %A Mijangos D¨ªaz %A Eduardo N. %A Mendoza Garc¨ªa %A Leticia %J Tzintzun %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in 1901 during the sessions of the liberal congress in san luis potosi, presbyterian delegates from the district of zit¨¢cuaro including the sisters aurora, guadalupe and elvira colin, benita reyes anaya, and presbyterian supporter jos¨¦ trinidad perez, attended as delegates of the liberal club josefa ortiz de dom¨ªnguez and francisca carrillo and the club vigilant democracy. the first consists of women and the second of men. the purpose of going to san luis was with the intention of "putting a grain of sand" in the building and respect for the democratic system under two premises: first, respect for the mexican constitution of 1857 and second, walking in strict accordance with the laws of reformation. on their return from san luis potosi, the presbyterian delegates from zit¨¢cuaro implemented some of the resolutions of the congress, including instilling in the population a "civic pedagogy" through presbyterians and liberal schools founded. in response, this paper addresses the civic and liberal pedagogy conducted by the presbyterian church of zit¨¢cuaro during the years of 1894-1904. %K civic pedagogy %K the liberal school %K presbyterianism %K liberalism %K catholicism %K catholic education. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0188-28722011000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en