%0 Journal Article %T Simulacion de descargas atmosfericas mediante la ecuacion de onda viajera %A Rodriguez %A Paul %A Rosales %A Luis %A Toledo %A Juan %A Contreras %A Ely %J Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnolog¨ªa %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X electrics generation and transmission power system are subjet a various transients, how the incidential of waves outgoing of the lightning. when this phenomenon to ocurr, produce fluctuations relatively rapids of voltage and current. in this work is solve the telegraphist equation. this is diferencial equation in derivatives parcial of second order, hiperbolic, whose solution describe the current conduct of atmospheric dischage. one more discretized with use the scheme of finite diferentias, this equati¨®n is implemented in a software for obtain an numerical solution. into other resulted is simulated various forms of discharge current with a software desarrollated in fortran 77. furthemore, is elaborated an software in fortran 77 to enable simulating the electric current at moment the atmospheric discharge for a set of initial conditions. finally, is propuest an overtension model of the propagation of atmosferic waves. this can be incorporated in the transient programs electromagn¨¦tic and in the optimization of insulation for the design and working of power equips. %K simulation %K numerical method %K atmosferical discharge %K transient %K power systems electric. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1316-48212009000400006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en