%0 Journal Article %T Integrated management of parasitic plant Striga hermonthica in maize using Fusarium oxysporum (mycoherbicide) and post-emergence herbicides in the Nigerian savanna %A Magani %A E.I. %A Ibrahim %A A. %A Ahom %A R. I %J Tropical and subtropical agroecosystems %D 2011 %I Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan %X the efficacy of a granular mycoherbicide formulation based on fusarium oxysporum and post-emergence herbicides for the control striga hermonthica was evaluated. four fungal treatments were used: f. oxysporum followed by 2, 4-d, f. oxysporum followed by supplementary hoe weeding, f. oxysporum followed by triclopyr and a control (no f. oxysporum) in two maize varieties (across 97 tzl and farmer's local variety). the maize variety across 97 tzl significantly delayed the emergence of striga as compared to the farmer's local. the highest number of maize plant infected with striga/shoot count was recorded at makurdi and the farmer's local variety. similarly, in the striga control methods, the hoe-weeded check recorded significantly more striga/shoot count when compared to all other control treatments. highest maize grain yields were obtained in 2009; at makurdi; across 97 tzl and plots that received f. oxysporum followed by post-emergence application of either triclopyr, 2,4-d each at 0.36 kg active ingredient/ha. %K biocontrol %K fusarium oxysporum %K herbicides %K striga hermonthica %K maize %K mycoherbicide. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1870-04622011000200031&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en