%0 Journal Article %T Una nueva edad en la Historia de la Filosof¨ªa: el di¨¢logo mundial entre tradiciones filos¨®ficas %A Dussel %A Enrique %J Utop¨¬a y Praxis Latinoamericana %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this paper supports the following theses: 1. it is necessary to affirm that all humanity has always expressed certain £¿core universal problems£¿ that are present in all cultures. 2. the rational responses to these £¿core problems£¿ first acquire the form of mythical narratives. 3. the formulation of categorical philosophical discourses is a subsequent development in human rationality that does not negate all mythical narratives. these philosophical discourses have arisen in all the great urban neolithic cultures (even if only on a very beginning level). 4. modern european philosophy confused its economic and political domination of culture and the crises derived from other regional philosophies with a eurocentric pretention to universality, which must be questioned. 5. in any case, there are formal, universal aspects on which all regional philosophies can coincide and which respond to the £¿core problems£¿ on an abstract level. 6. all of this impels us to enter a new age of inter-philosophical dialogue, respectful of differences and open to learning from the useful discoveries of other traditions. 7. a new philosophical project must be developed that, going beyond eurocentric philosophical modernity, tries to shape a global, trans-modern pluriverse, drawing upon the development of its own resources of peripheral, subaltern, post-colonial philosophies that have been £¿discarded£¿ by modernity. %K history of philosophy %K dialogue %K traditions %K modernity. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1315-52162009000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en