%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci¨Žn de una estrategia de conservaci¨Žn para Brevundimonas diminuta %A Burguet %A Nancy %A Sierra %A Nelson %J Vaccimonitor %D 2012 %I Finlay Ediciones %X brevundimonas diminuta is internationally recognized as the standard micro-organism for bacterial challenge tests. the quality control laboratory of liorad laboratories has a collection of reference strains, among them brevundimonas diminuta are kept by the freezing method at -70oc, replicated in lactose broth saline (cls) culture medium. this methodology was not the most convenient, that is why another strategy was assessed. triptone soy broth was used as growth method, skim milk 20% as protective substance and lyophilization as preservation method. an adequate quality control, which included purity verification, viability and stability of the properties, was carried out. results obtained during the 24 months of the stability study in real time, suggest that the chosen method would provide an alternative and solution to the problem of this strain preservation. %K brevundimonas diminuta %K stability %K protective substance %K liophilization. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1025-028X2012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en