%0 Journal Article %T Biodistribuci¨®n de IgA secretora purificada de calostro humano en fluidos biol¨®gicos de rat¨®n Balb/c %A ¨¢lvarez %A Nadine %A Camacho %A Frank %A Otero %A Oscar %A Acevedo %A Reinaldo %A Vald¨¦s %A Yolanda %A D¨ªaz %A Daiyana %A Fari£¿as %A 1Mildrey %A Izquierdo %A Luis %A Sarmiento %A Mar¨ªa E %A Mohd %A Norazmi %A Acosta %A Armando %J Vaccimonitor %D 2012 %I Finlay Ediciones %X the human secretory iga (igash) is structural and functionally released by the mucosal environment, with the ability to neutralize antigens and participating in promoting the binding and exclusion of them and preventing the adhesion of pathogens to mucosal epithelial surfaces. in this study, the biodistribution of hsiga purified from colostrum was evaluated, after being administered intranasally to balb/c mice model and the levels of this immunoglobulin in several biological fluids were determined by elisa. results showed the presence of antibody in saliva samples from animals that received the igash, which was significantly higher than levels found in samples from non-treated animals, at all time intervals. in samples of tracheobronchial lavage, high antibody levels were only obtained two and three hours after the inoculation of the animals of the group that received the igash, compared to the non-treated group. according to the results obtained, we consider interesting to evaluate the protective role of this immunoglobulin as a therapeutic candidate against the infection by m. tuberculosis in a near future. %K immunoglobulin a %K antibodies %K mucosal immunity. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1025-028X2012000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en