%0 Journal Article %T El amor como acceso a la persona: Un enfoque scheleriano del amor %A S¨¢nchez Le¨®n %A Alberto %J Veritas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-92732011000200006 %X very few philosophers have tried to deal with the question of love ¨ªke a necessary subjert to renew the history of phibsophy. summing up those efforts, just saint augustine and, very shjlj, pascal have reallj t¨²ed. perhaps plato peered much, but he did not dar¨¦ to mite what mas ¡°the nature of intelligenee of good¡±. for plato, that what is sacred is not an objert for theoretical knowkdge, not an axiom, but rather it has to do with what makes a man good, that is love. what makes man good is virtue, and virtue comes from love. love, as plato says, is to gen¨¦rate in beauty because of the desire of immortalitj of virtue. what generates love is virtue; thefower that transforms comes from love. henee, in the o¨ªd plato we find this idea: the most beauty thing is to make the atiben good, to transform him. a person ¡¯s perfection is in virtue and this is the stem of love. the aim of this faper is to go back to a notion of person from love from a phenomenological perspective. %K love %K person %K scheler %K phenomenology. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-92732011000200006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en