%0 Journal Article %T £¿Una teolog¨ªa del martirio en 1QHa y 4Q491c?: Aportes para la comprensi¨®n de la cristolog¨ªa del Hijo del hombre jo¨¢nico %A Carbullanca N¨²£¿ez %A C¨¦sar %J Veritas %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-92732011000200008 %X the this article attempts to cast doubt on explanations for the existence of a christology of exaltation or reliance on such a synoptics on the son of man and therefore seeks to give a prior history of the links between exaltation and death in the text of the 1qha and 4q491c present in the qumr¨¢n l¨¹erature, which sheds light on the existence of a theology of martyrdom that took place in pre-christian times that integrates aspects of persecution and suffering in the service of god as the subsequent exaltation. the article analyzes texts 1qha and 4q491c sequence showing suffering exaltation to heaven, the term £¿exaltation£¿ and £¿glorification£¿ are already christian before use these tests dem¨®nstrate the arbitrariness of some theories that try to divide the accounts of thejohannine passion arguing that there had been a "christology of exaltation" independent account of the death of the son of man and therefore post¨²late the need for a more comprehensive ¨²ew of christology johannine. %K christology %K martyrdom %K qumr¨¢n %K fourth cospel %K son of man. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-92732011000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en