%0 Journal Article %T COMPARACI¨®N DEL PERFIL LIP¨ªDICO DE FELIS CATUS LINNAEUS, 1758 (CARNIVORA: FELIDAE) POR G¨¦NERO Y EDAD %A Osorio %A Jos¨¦ Henry %A Ca£¿as %A Eliana Zulay %A P¨¦rez %A Jorge Enrique %J Bolet¨ªn Cient¨ªfico. Centro de Museos. Museo de Historia Natural %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the correlation between serum lipid concentrations of 6 groups native-born cats or their crosses (females young vs. young males, adult females vs. adult males, young females vs. adult females, young males vs. adult males, females vs. males and young vs. adults) are compared and analyzed. blood samples on an empty stomach from 96 cats differentiated by gender and age (48 cats under two years: 19 females and 29 males and 48 cats over two years: 18 females and 30 males) were obtained. the levels of triglycerides (tg), total cholesterol (ct), and high density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl-c) were measured using the enzymatic-colorimetric method; very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (vldl-c) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (ldl-c) were determined using the friedewald equation. mean ¡À standard deviation for ct, tg, hdl- c, vldl-c and ldl- c in mg/dl were: 125,882 ¡À 48,775;46,356 ¡À 7 4,987;63,801 ¡À 24,425;9,095 ¡À 14,973;52,985 ¡À 26,313; respectively. for the young vs adult cats group there was a statistically significant difference in the ct y ldl-c variables with p values lower than 0,05 (0,0118 by ct and 0,0090 to ldl-c), with a confidence level of 95 %; likewise for the group of adult males vs. young males there was a statistically significant difference for ct and ldl- c with p value of 0,0125 and 0,0065, respectively. for the other groups the tg, hdl-c and vldl-c were not significant (p ¡Ý 0,05).the results showed by adult males, suggest a greater trend to have high concentrations in lipid profile, which tends to increase overtime. %K cats %K cholesterol %K lipids %K metabolism %K obesity %K triglycerides. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-30682012000100014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en