%0 Journal Article %T Cost analysis and ecological benefits of environmental recovery methodologies in bauxite mining %A Guimar£¿es %A Jo£¿o Carlos Costa %A Barros %A Dalmo Arantes de %A Pereira %A Jos¨¦ Aldo Alves %A Silva %A Rossi Allan %A Oliveira %A Antonio Donizette de %A Borges %A Lu¨ªs Ant£¿nio Coimbra %J CERNE %D 2013 %I Universidade Federal de Lavras %R 10.1590/S0104-77602013000100002 %X this work analyzed and compared three methods of environmental recovery in bauxite mining commonly used in po£¿os de caldas plateau, mg, by means of recovery costs and ecological benefits. earnings and costs data of environmental recovery activities were obtained for the areas that belonged to the companhia geral de minas - cgm, on properties sited in the city of po£¿os de caldas, mg. the amount of costs of these activities was used to compare the recovery methods by updating them monetarily to a reference date, in other words, the present moment. it is concluded that the difference between the present value of costs for simple restoration and rehabilitation activities are less than 1% and that between the complete restoration and rehabilitation is about 15.12%, suggesting that the choice of the methods to be used must be based on the ecological earnings proportional to each of them. the methodology of environmental restoration of the mining areas emphasizes the ecological variables in the process of establishment of the community, to the detriment of complex ecological aspects, which show difficulties in measuring the actual moment of the development of the ecosystem considered. %K mining %K cost analysis %K environmental restoration %K environmental rehabilitation. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0104-77602013000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en