%0 Journal Article %T Novas ocorr¨ºncias de macroalgas marinhas bent£¿nicas no estado de Pernambuco, Brasil %A Soares %A Luanda Pereira %A Fujii %A Mutue Toyota %J Rodrigu¨¦sia %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S2175-78602012000300007 %X studies were carried out in the intertidal reefs of boa viagem beach, recife, northeastern brazil, in december 2009 (dry season) and april 2010 (rainy season), to analyze the community structure of seaweeds growing on other macroalgae. the material was collected in two areas, each around 30 m long, in different habitats which are suitable for the growth of seaweeds. the seaweeds remained frozen until the analysis. the specimens are deposited at the herbarium of the instituto de botanica, s£¿o paulo, brazil (sp). nine species were recorded for the pernambuco coast for the first time: boodlea composita (harv.) f. brand, ceramium corniculatum mont., chaetomorpha clavata k¨¹tz., c. nodosa k¨¹tz., chondracanthus cf. saundersii c.w. schneid. & c.e. lane, cladophora laetevirens (dillwyn) k¨¹tz., neosiphonia sphaerocarpa (b£¿rgesen) m.-s. kim & i.k. lee, ulva linza l. and u. prolifera o.f. m¨¹ll. of these, four species had their distribution along the brazilian coast considerably expanded. %K chlorophyta %K epiphytes %K northeastern brazilian coast %K rhodophyta. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S2175-78602012000300007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en