%0 Journal Article %T Anafilaxia induzida por f¨¢rmacos: Registo Nacional 2007-2010 %A Faria %A Em¨ªlia %A Rodrigues-Cernadas %A Josefina %A Gaspar %A £¿ngela %A Botelho %A Carmen %A Castro %A Eunice %A Lopes %A Anabela %A Gomes %A Eva %A Malheiro %A Daniela %A Cadinha %A Susana %A Campina-Costa %A Sofia %A Neto %A Marta %A Sousa %A Nuno %A Rodrigues-Alves %A Rodrigo %A Romeira %A Ana %A Caiado %A Joana %A Morais-Almeida %A M¨¢rio %J Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X background: anaphylaxis to drugs is an unpredictable and potentially fatal adverse drug reaction. the true prevalence in different population groups and the related risk factors are mostly unknown. objective: to contribute to better understanding the epidemiology of drug-induced anaphylaxis in our country.methods: during a 4 years period (january 2007 to december 2010) a national notification system for anaphylaxis was implemented, focused on voluntary reporting by physicians with allergy differentiation. in this period the data from 313 patients with drug anaphylaxis have been received and analysed. the statistical analysis included distribution tests and multiple logistic regression analysis to obtain the significance, the regression coefficients and marginal effects.results: the mean age was 43.8 ¡À 17.4 years, 8% younger than 18 years old. the ratio female/male was 2/1. the mean age at first episode was 39 ¡À 18.2 years. nine patients had more than one cause of drug anaphylaxis, corresponding to a total of 322 reports of different groups of drugs involved. the main culprit drugs were the non -steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (nsaids), antibiotics and anesthetic agents in 48%, 36% and 6% of the cases respectively. other drugs involved were cytostatics, corticosteroids, proton pump inhibitors and iodinated contrast media, among others. there was a predominance of mucocutaneous symptoms (92%), followed by respiratory (81%) and cardiovascular (49%) symptoms. patients with nsaids anaphylaxis showed a tendency to have co-respiratory and mucocutaneous manifestations. we didn¡¯t find a significant association between age, gender and atopy within the different groups of drugs. reactions occurred in 53% of cases within 15 minutes after drug administration, 45% of the cases occurred in inpatients and in 35% hospitalization was needed. the recurrence of anaphylaxis was observed in 26% of cases, with an increased risk when nsaids were involved. only 48% of patients were treate %K anaphylaxis %K drug hypersensitivity %K notification %K portuguese survey. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0871-97212012000200002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en