%0 Journal Article %T Aptitud f¨ªsica en mujeres adultas mayores vinculadas a un programa de envejecimiento activo %A Correa Bautista %A Jorge Enrique %A G¨¢mez Mart¨ªnez %A Elda Rocio %A Ib¨¢£¿ez Pinilla %A Milciades %A Rodr¨ªguez Daza %A Karen Dayana %J Revista de la Universidad Industrial de Santander. Salud %D 2011 %I Universidad Industrial de Santander %X objective: to determine physical fitness, understood as ability to develop normal activities of daily living safely, independently and without excessive fatigue through the measurement of physical components as the force of resistance, endurance, and agility in a group of women, linked for 8 months in a recreation program for the elderly of the instituto distrital de recreaci¨®n y deporte (idrd) from the puente aranda location in bogot¨¢. subjects and methods: cross sectional study of a cohort of n = 344 women aged between 60 and 87 years, which were measured for weight (kg), height (cm), fat percentage, waist circumference (cm), muscle strength in lower limb and aerobic endurance, according to senior fitness test battery (sft). results: (56, 4 %) of women were at a stage for action on the behaviour in physical activity, we identified 159 women were overweight, in relation with the variables of physical fitness was found that: 121 women with adequate aerobic resistance, 183 within the parameters of normality in cardiovascular resistance and 183 women with poor flexibility. conclusion: from the results described conclude that regular physical activity in older women population brought benefits, as their fitness level especially in relation to lower limb strength and aerobic capacity, showed sufficient levels and were classified as physically active. salud uis 2011; 43 (3): 263-269 %K active aging %K physical fitness %K older people %K evaluation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-08072011000300007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en