%0 Journal Article %T Doppler Tisular: velocidad de desplazamiento mioc¨¢rdico en s¨ªstole en pacientes con hipertensi¨®n arterial con fracci¨®n de eyecci¨®n conservada %A Galdames %A Katia %A Torres %A Jorge %A Goldsack %A Mar¨ªa Ester %A Pi£¿ats %A Francisco %A Solar %A Felipe %A Olivaresa %A Felipe %A Tabiloa %A Paz %A Pobletea %A Andr¨¦s %J Revista chilena de cardiolog¨ªa %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-85602012000300002 %X background: tissue doppler imaging (tdi) could improve the prognostic evaluation of patients with arterial hypertension in whom systolic function is normal as well as in those with diasto-lic dysfunction. low values of peak systolic myo-cardial velocity (sm) are associated with systolic function impairment, hypertensive cardiomyopathy and mortality from cardiac causes. nevertheless, the association of sm wave with increased end-diastolic pressure is not clear yet. aim: to estimate the correlation between sm wave and several echocardiography morphologic and functional parameters in patients with arterial hypertension and preserved ejection fraction. methods: in a retrospective analysis (2007-2010) of 1198 hypertensive patients with preserved ejection fraction, sm wave was evaluated and correlated with ejection fraction, left ventricular mass index (vmi), left atrium indexed volume (laiv), pulmonary artery systolic pressure (paps) and e/e' ratio. results: a decrease sm was observed as vmi increased (p<0.01). among patients with sm <6cm/s, 76.6% had e/e' >13 (p<0.01). normal sm values were observed in 93% of patients with e/e' ratio <13, 92% of patients with laid < 32ml/m2 and 71% of patients with paps <35mmhg (p<0.01). conclusion: sm wave measurement gives valuable information about systolic function as well as end-diastolic pressure in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy. %K doppler echocardiography %K left ventricular hypertrophy %K ejection fraction. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-85602012000300002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en