%0 Journal Article %T Relaci¨®n entre educaci¨®n e ingresos en las regiones geogr¨˘ficas de Argentina %A Galassi %A Gabriela Liliana %A Andrada %A Marcos Javier %J Papeles de poblaci¨®n %D 2011 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma del Estado de M¨¦xico %X according to the human capital theory, education is one of the main determinants of individual income. it is also important to control for socio-economic and demographic individual characteristics, because life quality and habits affect people's position in labor market and, consequently, their income. this work explores the empirical relationship between workers' income and their formal education in the six argentinean regions in 2010. data used for this analysis come from the permanent household survey. we apply the mincer equation, but incorporating two additional refinements: heckman correction for selection bias, and the introduction in the model of a set of socio-economic and demographic variables mutually correlated. %K education %K income determination %K mincer equations %K socio-economic and demographic variables %K selection bias. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1405-74252011000300009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en