%0 Journal Article %T Identification of raining clouds using a method based on optical and microphysical cloud properties from Meteosat second generation daytime and nighttime data %A Mourad Lazri %A Soltane Ameur %A Jean Michel Brucker %A Jacques Testud %A Bachir Hamadache %A Slimane Hameg %A Fethi Ouallouche %A Yacine Mohia %J Applied Water Science %@ 2190-5495 %D 2013 %I Springer %R 10.1007/s13201-013-0079-0 %X A new scheme for the delineation of raining and non-raining cloud areas applicable to mid-latitudes from daytime and nighttime multispectral satellite data is developed. The technique is based on optical and microphysical cloud properties using an artificial neural network. The tests have been conducted during the rainy season of 2006/2007. The proposed algorithm uses the spectral parameters of SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared): brightness temperature T IR10.8 and brightness temperature differences 忖T IR10.8每IR12.1, 忖T IR8.7每IR10.8, 忖T IR3.9每IR10.8 and 忖T IR3.9每WV7.3 during the nighttime and reflectances R VIS0.6, R NIR1.6, brightness temperature T IR10.8, brightness temperature difference 忖T IR8.7每IR10.8 and 忖T IR10.8每IR12.0 during the daytime. The algorithm is calibrated by instantaneous meteorological radar using multilayer perceptron. Radar provided the &&ground precipitation truth** for training and validation. The application shows interesting and encouraging results. %K Meteorological satellite %K Mediterranean climate %K Properties of clouds %K convective and stratiform clouds %U http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13201-013-0079-0