%0 Journal Article %T PyCX: a Python-based simulation code repository for complex systems education %A Hiroki Sayama %J Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling %D 2013 %I Springer %R 10.1186/2194-3206-1-2 %X We introduce PyCX, an online repository of simple, crude, easy-to-understand sample codes for various complex systems simulation, including iterative maps, cellular automata, dynamical networks and agent-based models. All the sample codes were written in plain Python, a general-purpose programming language widely used in industry as well as in academia, so that students can gain practical skills for both complex systems simulation and computer programming simultaneously. The core philosophy of PyCX is on the simplicity, readability, generalizability and pedagogical values of simulation codes. PyCX has been used in instructions of complex systems modeling at several places with successful outcomes. %K PyCX %K Python %K Complex systems simulation %K Education %K Iterative maps %K Cellular automata %K Dynamical networks %K Agent-based models %U http://www.casmodeling.com/content/1/1/2/abstract