%0 Journal Article %T On braided zeta functions %A Shahn Majid %A Ivan Toma i %J Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences %@ 1664-3615 %D 2011 %I Springer %R 10.1007/s13373-011-0006-3 %X We propose a braided approach to zeta-functions in q-deformed geometry, defining ¦Æ t for any rigid object in a ribbon braided category. We compute ${\zeta_t(\mathbb{C}^n)}$ where ${\mathbb{C}^n}$ is viewed as the standard representation in the category of modules of U q (sl n ) and q is generic. We show that this coincides with ${\zeta_t(\mathbb{C}^n)}$ where ${\mathbb{C}^n}$ is the n-dimensional representation in the category of U q (sl 2) modules and that this equality of the two braided zeta functions is equivalent to the classical Cayley¨CSylvester formula for the decomposition into irreducibles of the symmetric tensor products S j (V) for V an irreducible representation of sl 2. We obtain functional equations for the associated generating function. We also discuss ¦Æ t (C q [S 2]) for the standard q-deformed sphere. %K Riemann hypothesis %K Algebraic geometry %K Motivic zeta function %K Finite field %K Quantum groups %K q-Deformation %K Renormalisation %K Braided category %K Primary 81R50 %K 58B32 %K 14G10 %U http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s13373-011-0006-3