%0 Journal Article %T On the delta set and the Betti elements of a BF-monoid %A S. T. Chapman %A P. A. Garc¨ªa-S¨¢nchez %A D. Llena %A A. Malyshev %A D. Steinberg %J Arabian Journal of Mathematics %@ 2193-5351 %D 2012 %I %R 10.1007/s40065-012-0019-0 %X We examine the Delta set of a cancellative and reduced atomic monoid S where every set of lengths of the factorizations of each element in S is bounded. In particular, we show the connection between the elements of ¦¤(S) and the Betti elements of S. We prove how the minimum and maximum element of ¦¤(S) can be determined using the Betti elements of S. This leads to a determination of when ¦¤(S) is a singleton. We then apply these results to the particular case where S is a numerical monoid that requires three generators. Conclusions are drawn in the cases where S has a unique minimal presentation, or has multiplicity three. %K 20M14 %K 11D07 %K 05C70 %U http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40065-012-0019-0