%0 Journal Article %T Energy & Fuels Research in South African Universities: A Comparative Assessment %A Anastassios Pouris %J The Open Information Science Journal %D 2008 %I %R 10.2174/1874947X00801010001] %X This article reports the results of a mapping and comparative assessment exercise of the field of energy & fuels research in South African higher education institutions. Even though assessment of research activities is recognised as the cornerstone of science and technology policy in the country this is the first assessment of this field. The article identifies the most prolific countries and institutions in the world engaged in energy related research and it compares South Africa¡¯s energy research during the most recent ten years (1997-2007) with those of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Malaysia according to a number of indicators (e.g. number of energy & fuels publications per million population and number of publications per KWh of electricity produced). A number of policy implications for the country¡¯s science system in general and universities in particular are identified and are discussed. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toiscij/articles/V001/1TOISCIJ.htm