%0 Journal Article %T Field Survey on Human Thermal Comfort Reports in Air-Conditioned Offices in Taiwan %A Ruey Lung Hwang and Ming-Jen Cheng %J The Open Construction & Building Technology Journal %D 2007 %I Bentham Open %R 10.2174/1874836800701010008] %X Field experiments, conducted in 29 air-conditioned offices, used survey questionnaires and physical measurements to investigate workersˇŻ subjective thermal responses and comfort perception. A total of 650 individuals participated in the field study. The thermal neutrality and thermal preference of subjects occurred at 25.6ˇăC and 24.1ˇăC respectively. Responses from those subjects suggest a comfort temperature range is 23.8¨C27.5oC, that shifts to slightly warmer temperatures by about 0.5oC as comparing to comfort zone recommended in ASHRAE standard 55. Responses from subjects also indicate that people in Taiwan have a leniency toward the humidity guideline in ASHRAE standard 55, due to acclimate to the humid climate. The findings were compared with the similar studies in hot-humid climate. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tobctj/articles/V001/8TOBCTJ.htm