%0 Journal Article %T Oleoylsalicylate Derivatives: Synthesis and Antifungal Activity %A A. Bassoli %A G. Borgonovo %A S. Caimi %A G. Farina and M. Morettiin vivoin vitro %J The Open Natural Products Journal %D 2008 %I %R 10.2174/1874848100801010014] %X Three new ˇ°hybridˇ± molecules containing the skeleton of oleic acid and salicylic acid were synthesised. A qualitative study of the chemical stability of two of them and a preliminary evaluation of their biological activity in vivo and in vitro were performed against a series of important plant pathogens. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tonpj/articles/V001/14TONPJ.htm