%0 Journal Article %T Coherent-incoherent transition in a Cooper-pair-box coupled to a quantum oscillator: an equilibrium approach %A Ying-Hua Huang %A Hang Wong %A Zhi-De Chen %J The Open Condensed Matter Physics Journal %D 2008 %I %R 10.2174/1874186X00801010019] %X Temperature effect on quantum tunneling in a Cooper-pair-box coupled to a quantum oscillator is studied by both numerical and analytical calculations. It is found that, in strong coupling regions, coherent tunneling of a Cooper-pair-box can be destroyed by its coupling to a quantum oscillator and the tunneling becomes thermally activated as the temperature rises, leading to failure of the Cooper-pair-box. The transition temperature between the coherent tunneling and thermo-activated hopping is determined and physics analysis based on small polaron theory is also provided. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tocmpj/articles/V001/19TOCMPJ.htm