%0 Journal Article %T Back %A Hiroyuki Sakai %A Takayuki KannonShiro Usui %J The Open Ophthalmology Journal %D 2007 %I Bentham Open %R 10.2174/1874364100701010004] %X 4-7 Hiroyuki Sakai, Takayuki Kannon and Shiro Usui Published Date: (07 November, 2007) Visibility of a simple stimulus is known to be determined not only by its physical contrast, but also by the configuration of surrounding stimuli. In this study, we investigated the surrounding modulation of foveal visibility of a blurred target. Subjects were instructed to respond to the gap orientation of a Gaussian-blurred Landolt ring presented at a fixation point with a surrounding stimulus. The correct response rate was measured as a metric of the foveal visibility. Results were subsequently compared among different surrounding stimulus conditions. Results showed an improvement in the subjects¡¯ performance when low-pass white noise filtered with the same Gaussian function used for the target was presented in the surrounding area, although no effect was observed using high-contrast white noise. A performance improvement was observed when the surround stimulus had an intermediate contrast in the spatial frequency band necessary for identifying the target orientation. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toophtj/articles/V001/4TOOPHTJ.htm