%0 Journal Article %T Back %A Holger Baatz %A G¨¢bor B. Scharioth %A Diego de Ortueta and Mitrofanis PavlidisBackground:Methods:Results:Conclusions: %J The Open Ophthalmology Journal %D 2007 %I Bentham Open %R 10.2174/1874364100701010023] %X 23-24 Holger Baatz, G¨¢bor B. Scharioth, Diego de Ortueta and Mitrofanis Pavlidis Published Date: (17 December, 2007) Background: Endogenous uveitis has long been considered to be uncommon in elderly patients. Recently, population-based studies have shown an increase in the incidence of uveitis with inreasing age. It was the aim of this study to analyse the age distribution of patients presenting with endogenous uveitis in the setting of an eye centre. Methods: Retrospective cohort analysis. Results: 278 patients with endogenous uveitis showed the following age distribution: 0 - 15: 9, 15 - 30: 28, 30 - 45: 73, 45 - 60: 78, >60: 90 (age group: number of patients). Localization of uveitis was 82,4% anterior, 9,4% intermedia, 12,9% posterior. Two patients >60y were diagnosed with a masquerade syndrome. Conclusions: A large number of patients presenting with endogenous uveitis is in the elderly age group. An early and appropriate diagnostic work-up for uveitis is recommended for the elderly. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toophtj/articles/V001/23TOOPHTJ.htm