%0 Journal Article %T Precursor Size Effects on Kinetics Parameters of Bi-2223 Growth %A W.M. Chen %A M. Yavuz and S. Kambe %J The Open Superconductors Journal %D 2009 %I %R 10.2174/1876537801001010008] %X TAbstract: The Bi-2223 phase growth was studied on the view growth Kinetics and described by using suggested kinetic equations, and the kinetics parameters of the 2223 growth were experimentally determined. The precursor particle size effect on Bi-2223 phase growth was studied, as well. Precursors in this experiment were made by four different techniques with different particle sizes, and samples were sintered at same temperature for different sintering time. For the four different precursors, the amount of 2223 phase in the reactant was determined by analysis of X-ray diffraction. Experimental results were analyzed in the view of 2223 phase growth kinetics. Particle size dependence of the mean lifetime of 2212 and 2223 phases were studied. And the effects of special area of precursor particle on 2223 crystal growth were also analyzed. The velocity of the 2223 phase growth was investigated, which was found to be dependent on both the precursor particlesĄŻ diameter and its total surface area. The velocity of the 2223 phase decomposition was determined, as well. The optimum sintering time tmax and maximum amount of 2223 phase were calculated, and they were found to be dependent on the mean lifetime of 2212 and 2223 phases. When the particle size decreases, the optimum sintering time decreases, and the maximum amount of 2223 phase increases. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tosuperj/articles/V001/8TOSUPERJ.htm