%0 Journal Article %T Bond-Breaking Relaxation Governs Onset of the Fracture Instability %A Farid F. Abrahameffective %J The Open Mechanics Journal %D 2007 %I %R 10.2174/1874158400701010038] %X A dynamic crack will travel in a straight path up to a material-dependent critical speed beyond which its path becomes erratic. Predicting this critical speed and discovering the origin of this instability are two outstanding problems in fracture mechanics. We recently discovered a simple scaling model based on an effective elastic modulus that gives successful predictions for this critical speed. We now show that a simple atomic picture based on broken-bond relaxation at the dynamic crack tip provides an explanation for the origin of the effective elastic modulus. %U http://www.benthamscience.com/open/tomechj/articles/V001/38TOMECHJ.htm