%0 Journal Article %T Fuzzy Model Used for the Prediction of a State of Emergency for a River Basin in the Case of a Flash Flood - PART 2 %A Petr Jan¨¢l %A %A Milo Stary %J Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics %D 2012 %I De Gruyter Open %R 10.2478/v10098-012-0014-3 %X This article is a continuation of a previous one named Fuzzy model use for prediction of the state of emergency of river basin in the case of flash flood (Jan¨¢l & Stary, 2009), where the potential applications of fuzzy logic in the field of flash flood forecasting were described. Flash flood forecasting needs a specific approach because of the character of torrential rainfall. Storms are very difficult to forecast in space and time. The hydrological models designed for flash flood prediction have to be able to work with very uncertain input data. Moreover, the models have to be capable of evaluating the level of danger in as short a time as possible because of the highly dynamic character of the modeled process. The fuzzy model described in the previous article was modified into a form usable in operational hydrology and a simulation of its operational application was run using this model. The selected time period for the simulation was the summer of 2009, when numerous flash floods occurred in Czech Republic. The topic of this article is the preparation of the model for practical use and the results of the simulation of its operation. %K Fuzzy Logic %K Fuzzy Sets %K Small River Basin %K Operational Prediction %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/f27177051833m516/?p=f2b5ea60f02540a0830ef8e643237784&pi=2