%0 Journal Article %T Estimating Flash Flood Peak Discharge in Gidra and Parn¨˘ Basin: Case Study for the 7-8 June 2011 Flood %A Pavla Pek¨˘rov¨˘ %A Ale Svoboda %A Pavol Mikl¨˘nek %A Peter koda %A Dana Halmov¨˘ %A J¨˘n Pek¨˘r %J Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics %D 2012 %I De Gruyter Open %R 10.2478/v10098-012-0018-z %X We analyzed the runoff and its temporal distribution during the catastrophic flood events on river Gidra (32.9 km2) and Parn¨˘ (37.86 km2) of the 7th June 2011. The catchments are located in the Small Carpathian Mountains, western Slovakia. Direct measurements and evaluation of the peak discharge values after such extreme events are emphasized in the paper including exceedance probabilities of peak flows and of their causal flash rainfall events. In the second part of the paper, plausible modeling mode is presented, using the NLC (Non Linear Cascade) rainfall-runoff model. Several hypothetical extreme flood events were simulated by the NLC model for both rivers. Also the flood runoff volumes are evaluated as basic information on the natural or artificial catchment storage. %K Flash Floods %K Gidra and Parn¨˘ Rivers %K Post-Flood Event Analysis %K Runoff Modeling %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/q152k134l81756j1/?p=f2b5ea60f02540a0830ef8e643237784&pi=6