%0 Journal Article %T Integration of Schwartz's value theory and Scheler's concept of value in research on the development of the structure of values during adolescence %A Jan Cieciuch %J Polish Psychological Bulletin %D 2011 %I %R 10.2478/v10059-011-0027-5 %X A proposal is presented in the article of integrating Schwartz's circular model of values (1992, 1994, 2006) with Scheler's concept of values (Brzozowski, 1995). The main research goals were: 1) empirical verification of the attempt to include the values of Scheler into the circle of Schwartz's values; 2) use of the concept and measurement of Scheler's values to describe the development of the value structure during adolescence. Two studies were conducted in a group of 988 persons aged from 15 to 20 years. The Scheler Value Scale of Brzozowski (1995) was used along with the new version of the Schwartz's Portrait Value Questionnaire (Schwartz et al., 2011). In the first study, multidimensional scaling of multitrait-multimathod (MTMM) matrix was carried out, into which were introduced the indexes of Scheler's values and the indexes of Schwartz's value types. In this way, it was demonstrated that it is possible to include Scheler's values in the four higher order values within Schwartz's circle of values. In the second study, it was shown that by using the Schelerian values to analyse the development of the value structure, similar results were obtained to those that were acquired with the aid of instruments intended to measure values in Schwartz's approach. The structure becomes differentiated with age and takes on the shape of a circle. %K Structure of values %K circle of values %K development of values %K adolescence %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/1g576h4x153612t5/?p=cc1194e3da0941ecbc7ba84c510d9b00&pi=4