%0 Journal Article %T Fuzzy model pro p edpov¨§ stupn¨§ ohro enosti povod¨ª povodn¨§mi z p ¨ªvalovych de %A Petr Jan¨¢l %A Milo Stary %J Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics %D 2009 %I De Gruyter Open %R 10.2478/v10098-009-0013-1 %X One of the most difficult tasks in field of the operative hydrology is the prediction of occurrence and course of the flash floods. It is difficult to predict torrential rainfalls because their character (great intensity, short duration, small affected area). Usage of the nowcasting methods (weather forecast with two hour validity) holds hope. The torrential rainfall prediction should be followed by suitable hydrological model able to estimate at least the resultant peak outflow. The hydrological models construction interferes with high measure of uncertainty, inherent in the rainfall prediction, rainfall-runoff process and its simulation. The way how to eliminate influence of uncertainty is to use the fuzzy logic and other artificial intelligence methods. The fuzzy model was compiled through the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox in the developmental environment of MATLAB. A model was calibrated with the help of genetic algorithm, neural networks and different optimization methods. %K Fuzzy Logic %K Fuzzy Sets %K Fuzzy Model %K Flash Flood %K Small River Basin %K Operative Prediction %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/2m14524762g81830/?p=3c4e8102465b4382b7e4bcd7d682516c&pi=0