%0 Journal Article %T Ocean Tidal Loading from the Gravity Measurements at Jozefoslaw Observatory %A Marcin Rajner %J Artificial Satellites %@ 2083-6104 %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10018-011-0006-2 %X Ocean tidal loading is important source of disturbances in precise gravity measurements. Nowadays gravimeters reached unprecedented relative accuracy and loading signal can be observed also at large distances from the oceans. In this paper theoretical calculations are compared with analysis made on the basis of observations collected in J¨®ozefoslaw Observatory during last three years with use of LCR-ET spring gravimeter. Long series of consisted data allowed for investigation in small subtle gravity signals. Subtracting body tides from tidal analysis results yields discrepancies of a few nm /s2 for main tidal constituents which are in good agreement with computed ocean loading using most recent ocean models. %K ocean tidal loading %K gravity measurements %K LCR gravimeter %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/ah07gv7h6257gx61/?p=180cfcd947b34803a61494c0146b16b4&pi=2