%0 Journal Article %T P ¨ªprava intermedi¨¢ln¨ªch vrstev Ti-Al-Si pro vysokoteplotn¨ª aplikace metodou k em¨ªkov¨¢n¨ª z kapaln¨¦ f¨¢ze %A T Kubat¨ªk %J Koroze a ochrana materi¨¢lu %@ 1804-1213 %D 2012 %I De Gruyter Open %R 10.2478/v10227-011-0002-y %X The liquid-phase siliconizing method is a simple and effective method for preparation of layers composing of Ti-Al-Si intermedial phases on titanium and titanium alloys, which is based on the reaction of specimens submerged in Al-Si melts. These layers are mostly taken advantage of at high-temperature applications as protective layers. Compact, massive, pore and crack-free layers can be prepared using this method; 60 ¦Ìm thick layers can be prepared when exposed to 650¡ãC for 60 minutes. The paper summarizes all important findings about the properties of layers prepared by the liquid-phase siliconizing method. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/6252378x8g521040/?p=7979bcf751a649598681cbb1049e69be&pi=0