%0 Journal Article %T Noteworthy species of the genus Rhizocarpon Ramond ex DC. (Rhizocarpaceae, lichenized Ascomycota) in the LBL herbarium %A Anna Matwiejuk %J Annales UMCS, Biologia %@ 2083-3563 %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10067-008-0006-1 %X Rhizocarpon Ramod ex DC. is a large genus of c. 200 species included in the family Rhizocarpaceae. It is widely distributed in all parts of the world but particularly in alpine and polar regions. Species of the genus grow on rock and are long-living. They have been widely used in studies on moraine-dating, in a procedure known as lichenometry. In the herbarium collection of the Botany and Mycology Department of UMCS (LBL) there are housed rare and interesting species of the genus Rhizocarpon. There are: Rhizocarpon chioneum, R. copelandii, R. eupetraeoides, R. eupetraeum, R. furfurosum, R. hochstetteri, R. intermediellum, R. jemtlandicum, R. postumum, R. pusillum, R, renneri, R. richardii, R. ridescens, R. rittokense, R. sublucidum, R. superficiale. The non-yellow species of the genus Rhizocarpon with hyaline and muriform ascospores are represented in the collection by Rhizocarpon furfurosum, R. postumum, the species with dark and muriform ascospores by R. eupetraeum, R. renneri and with 2-celled ascospores - R. chioneum, R. copelandii, R. hochstetteri, R. jemtlandicum, R. richardii, R. rittokense. The yellow species of the genus Rhizocarpon with 2-celled ascospores are R. eupetraeoides, R. pusillum, R. superficiale and the species with muriform ascospores are R. intermediellum, R. ridescens and R. saana nse. These taxa are known from North America and continental Europe, Asia and Africa. Their morphology, anatomy, ecology and distribution are briefly discussed in the present paper. The most important characters for separating the treated species are pruinosity of thallus, number of ascospores in asci, ascospores size and number of cells per ascospore, insoluble lichen pigments of the epihymenium and proper exciple and lichen substances. %K lichens %K Rhizocarpon %K rare species %K new records %K Carpathians %K Poland %K LBL herbarium %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/j4415k1830h2v463/?p=c3dc876832704616b8911979fdb779fe&pi=5