%0 Journal Article %T Struktury koordynacji polityki europejskiej w Polsce %A Robert Krzysztof Tabaszewski %J Annales UMCS, Sectio K (Politologia) %D 2011 %I %R 10.2478/v10226-011-0004-4 %X Governmental structures for the coordination of EU play a significant role in formulation of the Polish interests and position in the European system. Polish structure is a mixture of Lisbon Regulations and internal laws reforming national coordination structures after 2010. According to the current system, the Minister of Foreign Affairs with the Committee for European Affairs and Cabinet state the main EU mechanism in Poland. On the other hand the President has some power in imperative political issues as EU is considered as a traditional diplomacy. %K EU policy %K Poland %K Committee for European Affairs %K Ministry of Foreign Affairs %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/p382n1x423475725/?p=7392a85500d84338bc86d4086f57bdbf&pi=3