%0 Journal Article %T The almost sure central limit theorems for certain order statistics of some stationary Gaussian sequences %A Marcin Dudzi¨˝ski %J Annales UMCS, Mathematica %D 2009 %I %R 10.2478/v10062-009-0007-9 %X Suppose that X1, X2, ˇ­ is some stationary zero mean Gaussian sequence with unit variance. Let {kn} be a certain nondecreasing sequence of positive integers, denote the kn largest maximum of X1, ˇ­ Xn. We aim at proving the almost sure central limit theorems for the suitably normalized sequence under certain additional assumptions on {kn} and the covariance function . %K Almost sure central limit theorem %K knth largest maxima %K stationary Gaussian sequences %K Normal Comparison Lemma %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/003x274k0jp68767/?p=53d3d035dc3c4d16820f83657672712a&pi=6