%0 Journal Article %T Modyfikacja testu Wingate w ocenie wydolno ci wysi kowej kadry polski niepe nosprawnych ci arowc¨®w %A Eugeniusz Bolach %A Kamil Jacewicz %J Physiotherapy %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10109-009-0029-4 %X The aim of this paper was to show the correlation between the parameters of the modified Wingate Test (TWB 5/15) and the results of the most significant and prestigious weightlifting competitions for disabled - Championship of Poland and Europe. The research group consisted of four women and thirteen men - representatives of Polish National Paralympic Team of Weight-lifters. The mean age of this group was 33 years and average training experience - 14.7 years. The examined weight-lifters had various dysfunctions, which included amputations (6 competitors), locomotor system diseases (9 competitors) and cerebral palsy (2 competitors). The Anaerobic Capacity Test 5/15 (ACT 5/15), a modified version of the Wingate Test, consisted in lifting a weight lying on a level bench (in accordance to IPF regulations). Competitors performed a total of five series. Duration of each series was 15 seconds. The number of lifts in each series was recorded in the fifth and fifteenth second for the purpose of subsequent calculations. There were one minute breaks between the series for the subjects to rest and for taking measurements necessary to determine their training capacity. Duration of the testing series and breaks was measured with Spokey electronic stopwatch. During every break the weight was increase by 5 kg. Weights were changed four times throughout the time of the test. Analysis of the research data showed correlations between the parameters of ACT 5/15 and performance of the competitors. Correlations of these traits were usually stronger in the spring than in autumn. The mean values of all measured capacity parameters were higher in the spring 2006 and the change in performance correlated strongly with the changing of the capacity parameters. %K Wingate's test %K efficiency %K powerlifting %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/f44525440782n696/?p=eb5322045a604e039f1280e7588c043e&pi=6