%0 Journal Article %T Empirical-Scientific Model of Geography %A Zbyszko Chojnicki %J Quaestiones Geographicae %D 2011 %I %R 10.2478/v10117-011-0014-0 %X The article presents a philosophical-methodological conception of an empirical-scientific model of geography as an empirical science. It consists of an introduction and two parts. The introduction discusses the notion of philosophical-methodological models of geography and philosophical orientations. Part one addresses the philosophical-methodological foundations of the model, which are three successive philosophical streams: empiricism, logical empiricism (neo-positivism), and scientific philosophy. Part two offers a characterisation of the empirical-scientific model in terms of the principles of scientific philosophy embracing three chief problem areas: ontological, epistemological and methodological. %K empirical-scientific model %K empirical sciences %K logical empiricism %K scientific philosophy %K ontological %K epistemological and methodological problems %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/56t47743l7603342/?p=fb4a491b1bf043e9b893521cbf8baea2&pi=1