%0 Journal Article %T Bases for Media Education %A Gabriel Pal'a %A ThDr. PaedDr. Ing. %A PhD. %J E-Theologos. Theological revue of Greek Catholic Theological Faculty %@ 1338-1350 %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10154-010-0009-3 %X Media are phenomenon, which seriously affect the world of youth and have effect on forming of their personality. Thereat problems of education of critical recipient of medial products are very actual in these days. The Church presents, that human dignity is centre of every right communication. This dignity should be also the principle at adaptation of media education in any learning, or at implementation of separate object media education, whose basic motto is good as reflex of God love. It inspires and revives the hearts and minds of youth, whereas vulgarism and obscenity impact on young man destructively. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/34w5834hw674135j/?p=dcb2979b0b4146d4a54c0137d7c0ede1&pi=8