%0 Journal Article %T Adiabatic large polarons in anisotropic molecular crystals %A Zoran Ivi %A eljko Pr ulj %J Journal of Research in Physics %D 2011 %I %R 10.2478/v10242-012-0002-2 %X We study the large polaron whose motion is confined to a single chain in a system composed of the collection of parallel molecular chains embedded in threedimensional lattice. It is found that the interchain coupling has a significant impact on the large polaron characteristics. In particular, its radius is quite larger while its effective mass is considerably lighter than that estimated within the one-dimensional models. We believe that our findings should be taken into account for the proper understanding of the possible role of large polarons in the charge and energy transfer in quasi-one-dimensional substances. %K Polaron %K anisotropic solids %K optical phonon %K electron-phonon interaction %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/426rrh606271422q/?p=285f329299eb4dd6bcc11a8e228bb560&pi=1