%0 Journal Article %T Metody rehabilitacji stosowane u dzieci z zespo em Downa z wrodzon wad serca wymagaj c interwencji kardiochirurgicznej %A Dorota W¨®jtowicz %A Ludwika Sadowska %A Monika Mys ek %A Anna Skrzek %A Piotr Dominiak %A Krzysztof Wronecki %A Katarzyna Prasa %J Physiotherapy %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10109-009-0005-z %X The aim of this work is the presentation and discussion of physiotherapeutic treatment with children with the genetically confirmed Down syndrome (DS) and children with Down syndrome and co-existed congenital heart disease (DSaCHD), which demands a cardiosurgical intervention. In both groups (DS) and (DSaCHD) we apply multi-specialized and complex rehabilitation - it is an ambulatory system according to Wroc aw Rehabilitation Model (WRM). The aims and the tasks of this model were described accurately in the article. The majority of children with Down syndrome and the congenital heart disease are operated in their first year of life. After an operation and a clinical examination of the patients, all operated children are classified to multi-specialized and complex cardiological rehabilitation. The cardiological rehabilitation is divided into three periods: pre-operating, operating, and ambulatory. Applying the early physiotherapy according to Wroc aw Rehabilitation Model (WRM) and the cardiological rehabilitation makes recovery to health faster and causes improvement in range of better psychomotor development of children with Down syndrome. %K Down syndrome %K Down syndrome and congenital heart disease %K Wroc aw Rehabilitation Model %K cardio-logical rehabilitation %K Munich Functional Developmental Diagnostic %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/j7wv03777178815r/?p=79f3f37147fb43bdab2e063ab6237c8d&pi=4