%0 Journal Article %T Lata szkolne, pierwsze utwory poetyckie, udzia w organizacjach uczniowskich Gimnazjum Wo y¨˝skiego Karola Sienkiewicza %A Kamil Kubicki %J Annales UMCS, Historia %@ 2083-361X %D 2008 %I %R 10.2478/v10068-008-0004-8 %X The article concerns Karol Sienkiewicz (1793-1860), it presents his home at Kalin¨®wka where he was born, his brother, sisters and parents, the time he stayed at school of the Basilians in Uman and was learning in Vinnytsia, Gymnasia of Kremenets in Ukraine in 1810-1816. It shows gymnasia in Kremenets in the period when the supervisor was J¨®zef Czech, and the inspector of schools in Volyn Podolia and Kyiv governorates was Tadeusz Czacki, who impressed the young poet very much. He noticed his hardship and determination in fight for the Polish research institution. After Tadeusz Czacki's death the postion of new inspector was taken by Philip Plater, at whom Sienkiewicz gets a post of secretary. This time the superintendent of Schools in Vilnius district was Prince Adam Jerzy Czartoryski. The article shows every-day life of Kremenets, brilliant teachers and pupils, habits in the gymnasia, plan of lessons, and also amazing town itself, which from a small village becomes a centre competing with the University in Vilnius. The article informs about the names of friends of young Karol, and their relationships. It includes first Sienkiewicz's poems, describing advantages of Kremenets, and also important events that he observed, death of headmaster J¨®zef Czech, death of Tadeusz Czacki. The sense of organization by creating pupils organizations and his youthful zeal to direct them he will use in later time creating the Polish Library in Paris. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/gg338v4268v13274/?p=3625d937455c461a8e3d52272b092bd8&pi=3