%0 Journal Article %T In-Service Flaw Detection and Quantification in the Composite Structures of Aircraft %A Krzysztof Dragan %A Piotr Synaszko %J Fatigue of Aircraft Structures %D 2009 %I %R 10.2478/v10164-010-0003-0 %X Taking into consideration the increased usage of composites for aircraft structures there is a necessity for gathering information about structural integrity of such components. During the manufacturing of composites as well as during in service and maintenance procedures there is a possibility for damage occurrence. There is a large number of failure modes which can happen in such structures. These failure modes affect structural integrity and durability. In this work modern approach for detection of composites damage detection such as: delaminations, disbonds, foreign object inclusion and core damage has been presented. This detection is possible with the use of advanced P-C aided Non Destructive Testing methods. In the article nondestructive testing results for the composite vertical tail skins on MiG-29 aircraft will be delivered as well as some results of F-16 horizontal stabilizer and W-3 helicopter main rotor blades. Moreover some results of the composite honeycomb and sandwich structures will be presented based on the materials used in the construction of gliders and small aircraft. Factors affecting structural integrity and durability of the composites will be highlighted as well as necessity of the inspection with the use of modern NDT techniques. At the end some effort with Structural Health Monitoring connected with possibility of condition monitoring of composites will be presented. %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/j081p0m2722tl654/?p=c70a25ab1e1e46a18c4d7a6b7fb8410c&pi=2