%0 Journal Article %T Postawy student¨®w fizjoterapii wobec grupy zawodowej oraz towarzystw naukowych zwi zanych z fizjoterapi i rehabilitacj %A Joanna Gotlib %A Dariusz Bia oszewski %A Anna Cabak %A Katarzyna Barczyk %A Andrzej Bugajski %A Joanna Grzegorczyk %A Wojciech Ku ak %A Piotr Majcher %A Olga Nowotny-Czupryna %A Maciej P aszewski %A Katarzyna Prokopowicz %A Janusz Sierdzi¨˝ski %J Physiotherapy %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10109-010-0060-5 %X Aims: the aim of this paper was to analyse the attitudes of physiotherapy students of medical universities (PM), universities of physical education (PWF), and other university-level schools (IP) towards the professional community of physiotherapists. Ma terial and methods: the study enrolled a total of 593 students of 10 Polish universities (4 PM, 2 PWF and 4 IP). The study was carried out in March and April 2009 among third-year students. Participation was voluntary. The data was collected on the basis of an 88-question anonymous questionnaire designed by the authors. The findings presented in this paper are based on the responses to five questions. Statistical analyses utilised the chi-squared test (X2) and the Kruskall-Wallis test at p < 0.05 (STATISTICA 8.0 licensed to Warsaw Medical University). Results: the predominant opinion in the study population (41% PM, 44% PWF, 39% IP; p = NS) was that the physiotherapist community in Poland is divided. However, a considerable percentage of the students (41% PM, 40% PWF, 42% IP; p = NS) had no opinion about that issue. A quarter of the entire study population (33% PM, 35% PWF, 16% IP) named Polish Society of Physiotherapy as a professional organisation for physiotherapists. Only 3% of all students were additionally able to name Polish Society of Rehabilitation. PM and PWF students were able to name scientific societies significantly more frequently (p < 0.001) than IP students. The best known academic journals in physiotherapy and rehabilitation were Fizjoterapia Polska (34%) and Fizjoterapia (32%). Only 11% of the students were able to name Post py Rehabilitacji. Conclusion: professional and scientific organisations of physiotherapists should undertake promotional activities among students to encourage them to contribute actively to the work of these organisations, which would improve integration of the physiotherapist community, thus helping physiotherapists to defend their professional interests more effectively. %K physiotherapy %K rehabilitation %K scientific societies %K academic journals %K Polish Journal of Rehabilitation %K Polish Journal of Physiotherapy %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/k20454k703484v4w/?p=d37733434c3749838904ea29266c2f9f&pi=7