%0 Journal Article %T Skuteczno interakcji mgr fizjoterapii-pacjent w opinii pacjent¨®w prywatnych i pa¨˝stwowych plac¨®wek s u by zdrowia %A Maciej Cie li¨˝ski %A Dorota Drabarek %J Physiotherapy %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10109-010-0071-2 %X The aim of the pilot studies was to investigate the interaction between a Master of physiotherapy and a patient in the tested environments of public and private rehabilitation centers, as we base on an assumption that it largely affects the rate of improvement of patient's motor skills. We were interested in possible similarities and differences resulting from different conditions specific for those environments, which, as a result of research work, may be presented for practical purposes. In order to determine their expectations about personalities, attitude and the competence of the therapists who work with them, the patients were asked to give opinion about the work of their physical therapists. The patients were also asked to express their opinion regarding the effects of therapy, factors that in their opinion are decisive for the the effectiveness of rehabilitation and subjective treatment of the patients. These opinions were gathered and compared by means of a diagnostic survey and questionnaires. There were altogether 90 patients that took part in the study including 39 patients undergoing rehabilitation in private healthcare centers and 51 patients treated in public centers. The X 2 test was used to determine correlations and statistical significance. Findings show that the expectations of patients from public and private centers are different, especially regarding the personality, competence and attitude of the therapist towards their patient. The efficiency of the therapist-patient communication is unsatisfactory in the public healthcare centers. Patients undergoing private rehabilitation are much better informed. The studies discussed in this paper are only a fragment of a national survey conducted on a much larger population of patients and therapists. %K patient satisfaction %K patient expectations %K opinions about the work of masters of physiotherapy %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/t377052434305210/?p=9ec4d1dcb27443eca1f46821773715a0&pi=5