%0 Journal Article %T Wp yw ot uszczenia na wysklepienie st¨®p i ukszta towanie ko¨˝czyn dolnych u 7-latk¨®w %A Edyta Miko ajczyk %A Agnieszka Jankowicz-Szyma¨˝ska %J Physiotherapy %D 2010 %I %R 10.2478/v10109-010-0054-3 %X The tendency for sedentary lifestyle and avoidance of physical exercise is observed in all age groups, even in schoolchildren. The effect is a growing number of people with overweight or obesity among the population of children and adolescents who complain about back pains and deteriorating quality of body posture. Material and Method: the study covered a group of 90 children aged seven, including 45 girls and 45 boys. The measurements of body weight and height as well as thickness of abdominal skin-muscle fold have been performed. As many as 180 plantocontourgrammes with the Clarke angle were drafted. The longitudinal axis of the lower limb was assessed by means of measuring of genu valgum and varus degree using linear calliper. Results: no significant statistical differences between girls and boys were found as far as body weight, height and fatness are concerned. In 45% of the studied girls and 65% of the studied boys a lowering of a longitudinal arch was observed. Genu valgum was found in 31% of girls and 15.5% of boys. Varus position of the lower limbs was noticed only in 2% of the surveyed girls. This deformity did not occur among the studied boys. Applying the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (p < 0.05) revealed a strong relation between body weight and the thickness of skin-muscle fold, and the knee position. The Pearson's coefficient designation for the relation between the thickness of the skin-muscle fold and the BMI value, and the foot longitudinal arch indicates a lack of strong correlation. Conclusion: fixed pes planus is a condition frequently occurring in 7-year-olds, especially boys. Fatness, as well as the positioning of the lower limbs, do not influence, in a significant manner, the degree of feet arching. Excess quantity of fat tissue demonstrated in an increased body weight and the thickness of the abdominal skin-muscle fold raise the probability of valgum position of the knees in children of both sexes. %K fatness %K feet arching %K lower limbs development %U http://versita.metapress.com/content/52072163989v9503/?p=d37733434c3749838904ea29266c2f9f&pi=1